? ??????????????Dark Pink Skull? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (174 Ratings)??42 Grabs Today. 32494 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????3?? ?????A Cold Heart Will Melt? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (19 Ratings)??41 Grabs Today. 7465 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?


down in the past

Well I don't wanna hang around with you
I've got my motor baby and I'm gonna see you through
You think I wanna be alone with you
It doesn't matter baby cause you're overreacted too

But since you're down there, where will I just be
I'm getting fine girl, dressing up for stormy weather

So touch me down in the past where my mother will last
And it's true that I'm in for a punch and a blast
Yeah down in the past where my mother will last
And she will make sure that you remember

Well I don't wanna slide away with you
I've got ten little soldiers pointing at you
Honey you just left me for a new one
It doesn't matter baby cause your hair is ugly too

But since you're down there, where will I just be
I'm getting fine girl, dressing up for stormy weather

So touch me down in the past where my mother will last
And it's true that I'm in for a punch and a blast
Yeah down in the past where my mother will last
And she will make sure that you remember

Well I don't wanna hang around with you
I've got my motor baby and I'm gonna see you through
You think I wanna be alone with you
It doesn't matter baby cause you're overreacted too

best...do listen ea!



epi besday to me :)


today is my special day.. so make it worth ye diyana...hehe
thanx 4 all da wishes... sgt2 tharu taw...
saturday lpas, mase tu ngh men2 ngn aisyara.. tibe2 my bro in law panggil... ckp ade mmber2 dtg... tkejut gle mase tgk2 upenye pijah n aney dtg.. agi la tkejut bile nik masuk bwk kek... uwaaaaaa.......really2 special ye kwn2... thanx..muah!!!!

smlm... tpat2 kul 12am, fon abes bateri.. uwaaaaa..... nasib bek fon ma full batt... hehe... tq ye sume...
pagi tadi, tibe2 ku tjaga n tdengar ade org kjut tdo... "birthday girl..bangun...subuh",kata bondaku smbil menarik tanganku...ehhe....

kul 1 kuar mam ns HAIQAL... ade org da bo0k smalam... hehe.. thanx anih... my bro...

pastu p kua minum ngn ct... yang bestnye, otw nk p sim garden tu, tjumpe fatin nina...
gile ah laju die lari time tu..maraton ea yang..haha... juz kidding... upenye..... mase kt lam sim garden, tibe2 ade org ltak present ats meja i...uwaaaaa.... tharu bangat.. tq tin...comey sgt2 those teddy tu ...

ct pon ade bg present gak... blue teddy... tomey...penuh kt seat blkg kete smalam...heheh..

bye-bye TEEN-girl... welcome to a new level of life... :)


ni ade some pics mase p kl... ad la kat sminggu duk sane..bes bangat... thanx to my cousins, abe ja n aiman sbb sudi n SANGGUP jadi teman gue sopim2...eheh

ni kat Capsquare... pas tgk gig... bes ... tapi smpat tgk Love Me Butch je... gempak bangat



date: 1906, 330 am

entry ni mmg dedicate utk someone... td baru pas gayut ngn gg... n sy pon luahkan rasa bsalah yg amat kt dis girl...

lau u bace blog i, u taw i tuju kt u...

sy taw xpatot da nk ingtkan/ ckp sal ni, mmandangkan kitorg pon da move on n ade new life.. but, diz is my MISTAKE... i made dis mistake..i hurt someone else even i xtaw pon ape cte sbenar time tu... sy btol2 xtaw , wak... byk sgt bnda2 yg bcanggah btween u n him... at one moment, sy rase da xmo taw bnda sbenar...

sy xpnh ase menang atau pe pon, becoz i'm just a girl.. like u.. sy phm prsn awk time tu..ohh jahatnye sy...

lau kite xberYM aritu, mayb smpai skrg i xtaw nde sbenar....

sy bukan jnis yg reti bmain ngn kata2... tp sy ade stu word 4 u...




td mase tgk fster, blog mber2... tbe2 tringat kesah2 lame... ms kt skpc, zainab 1,sains psir putih, mrsmk.lipis, mrsm pc, kmph... erm... satu ayat je kua lam otak ku ini, "andai mase blh d undur"..

tp xpelah... only time will tell.....



uwawawa... sgt2 bes pegi maen kt pntai(thursday) even xbape sehat time tu..hehe... xplan lgsung pon.. kul 12 after ujan tu , I kol NINO .. die pon free smlm... kitorg p Pntai Tmur dl ... bl groceries... pastu saje nk wt surprise kt ct, kitorg xkol pon die nk gtaw nk p umh die.. punye la tkejutzzz...eheheh... sori ti.... then tibe2 diorg ckp, nk p pntai.. so p la pcb.. men2 air, snap2(bnda wajib k)...eheh..

lau nk taw, kitorg ni jd mmber since skola rndah lagi taw... xpenah lost cntact pon.... diorg la yg knl daku sejak ku pegi skolah ngn rmbut tocang dua, sjak ku duk lam maktab agi, sejak ku pegi skola masuk gune pntu pgar blkg yg still relax je jln even loceng da bunyi (oh.. agak brutal sy dl.. drjah satu?? huhu),sejak ku terlampau suke brkfast ngn roti goreng telur smpaikan ma pon da naek muak grg nde tu, smpai la skrg...hehe..lame kn... i luv them so much!

[nino, ct]


one sweet day

ptg smlm smpat je agi kua ....nk wt cmane , da kmaruk nk kua smlm,....huhu... pas anis settle kn hal2 uitm, kitorg baru ley kua... kul 5 lbh , p amek aisyara kt HOMALEE dl....
bes pusing2... pdhal beli satu nde je... bl masuk vincci, ak n anis da xtertahan jiwa...huhu.. anis nk cr wedges tp xde...huhu... anis bought kaler biru n me , bought kaler grey+ black...pastu mnum2 + borak2 kt Hot Summer plak... romantik je kite kn anis duk blkg curtain tu...huhu.... thumbs up for SUMMER WHITE ... cedap! :p